Transformative education that moves you forward.

October 2024

Courses & guides

podcasts, articles & more

Unbasic Creatives

equip & empower

my mission:


i'm hannah.

I'm on a mission to provide transformative education to photographers of all stages. I'm passionate about equipping photographers with real skills, so they are empowered to run profitable businesses and truly thrive.

Family photography has been an underrated art form for far too long - when in fact, I'd argue that the art we produce is some of the most important on the planet!

Through our work, we're celebrating new lives and precious milestones. We're preserving memories that will be passed down to future generations. We are with our clients in their happiest moments - births, adoptions, graduations, and more - and often in their darkest as well - like divorce, infertility, and loss.

What's more, this corner of the photography industry is dominated by women, and working mothers in particular. As a mom of four who started my own business in a season when we were desperately trying to make ends meet, I know firsthand the struggle of trying to figure out a whole new artform and industry all alone. I know what it's like when others don't understand that photography is a real job or when they want free sessions. I know what it's like to have an empty schedule, to consider going back to "real work," and to feel like a failure.

But friend, I also know what it's like to be on the other side - with a job that allowed me to work my husband out of a toxic career to become an incredible stay at home dad. I know what it's like to love what I do, to work with clients who love what I do, and to find purpose and confidence in being exactly who I am meant to be as an artist. I know what it's like to spend a decade in a career that's just right for me, instead of burning out and closing the doors like so many are forced to do.

We're artists with the privilege of stewarding sacred moments, and we document the very things that make life worth living.

I'm so tired of family photography being undervalued. And I'm even more tired of watching women undervalue their own time and talent, when they're actually doing incredible and valuable things.

My mission is to change this, by equipping photographers with real and important skills in both art and business, so that they are fully empowered to produce incredible work, serve their clients beautifully, run profitable businesses, and thrive in every way.

It's not easy, of course. But it's entirely possible, and so much easier with the right tools in your hands than it is to figure it all out for yourself. 

I'm so glad you're here. It's an honor to be part of so many of your journeys, and to play a part in making this industry a healthier place.

Not only is she excellent in her field, she truly wants others to succeed as well.

—  lindsay

get to know me

I have two boys and two girls, and we're a homeschool family. And no, I don't do it all! Not even close. But with family help, a husband who is an equal partner in every way, and the conviction to order our priorities the way we have, it works great. I'm always up for an authentic conversation about realistic work/life balance.

I have four kids. It's wonderfully wild.

The things that feel overwhelmingly challenging today, will be something you're incredible at very soon. I truly believe that we are each capable of so much more than we imagine - it just takes perseverance and a willingness to get way out of our comfort zones to make big strides! It's not easy, but it's always, always worth it.

i believe that everything is learnable.


When I started my business in 2014, I had no idea what a challenge I was signing up for. The truth is, I wasn't just learning photography - I was learning to be a business owner and marketer and a hundred other things all at once. It was challenging and lonely and I struggled so much with self-doubt. And while I am so proud of where I am now, and appreciate the kind words of my students more than I can express, I want to be so up front that I love education because I know what it's like to NEED it, and to need support. 

When I create guides or courses or programs, it's because I know firsthand that they're needed. I want to give others the opportunity to have a much smoother and quicker road to success than I had, and to never have to feel alone.

I love to teach because I know what it's like to struggle.

