Studio Ninja Review // My favorite CRM for photographers
Today I wanted to share one of my absolute favorite behind-the-scenes tools for my business. I’ve done surveys on my Instagram in the past, and tried to dig into what some of the most challenging parts of actually owning a photography business are for people. The most common answer, hands down, is client management (emails, contracts, payments, etc.). We all love our clients and love shooting, but the administrative side can leave us feeling scattered and overwhelmed. Thankfully, I have a great solution for you: Studio Ninja. (Don’t miss the fantastic discount code at the end of this, as well as a second for another tool in the P.S.!)
There are all sorts of client management options out there, photography-specific or not. I have tried several in my day – though I’ll be honest that I’ve lost track of which I’ve actually tried at this point, ha! I was always dissatisfied with my system and bounced around, until I found Studio Ninja several years ago. After that, I never looked back. I LOVE it!
Studio Ninja is my all-in-one client management system: from booking to contract to invoice to delivery, this program helps me track every detail of my process and make sure nothing gets missed. I am able to create a new job, customize a contract and invoice and payment plan, add a questionnaire, and send it to a client all in just a couple minutes, start to finish. My jobs are automatically synced to my calendar on my iPhone, or I can view my schedule in Studio Ninja itself. You can even use it in more detailed ways than I do personally – responding to and tracking inquiries, keeping your workflow organized (especially helpful when you’re delivering products), and more.
And it’s super easy for my clients to use as well! Each client receives a link to their client portal, which has all of their booking materials and session info in one place (questionnaire, contract, and invoice) – and that means that they can also complete everything in just a couple minutes. It’s very simple and professional.
I can quickly keep up on payments that are overdue, schedule automated reminder emails, and more, with very little effort. My payments are also all tracked in one place, so I can keep a continual eye on my income plus prep for tax season each year, no problem!
Some of this isn’t necessarily unique to Studio Ninja – after all, this is what client management software is supposed to do! But what I really love about Studio Ninja is that it is so darn easy to use. With a bit of time set aside to watch their tutorials when I first joined, I had it down quick and was ready to go.
Also, the price is fantastic! For example, it’s a little more than half the cost of Honeybook (a very popular option), which was very important to me as a part time photographer who needs to keep overhead costs low. I work really hard at investing in the right things while also being very stringent about how I spend money in my business, since my income is a necessary part of supporting my family. But Studio Ninja has been a fantastic investment, and they offer a product that is easy to learn, simple for clients to navigate, and 100% worthwhile for the time it saves me.
And best of all, I have a discount code for you! If you sign up with this referral code, you will get 20% off your subscription EVERY MONTH. Not just the first month, every month. Use this code when you sign up, and enjoy that extra 20% you get to pocket: AHIU3CQ7YH0UY0
If you’re still feeling a bit confused by your system, realizing that you’re overpaying for software that’s unnecessarily robust, or seeing that tracking everything by hand is seriously unsustainable and costing you tons of time, do yourself a favor and give Studio Ninja a shot. I mean it when I say that I would never recommend a product that I didn’t fully stand behind! Switching systems is an inconvenience, of course, but saved time and saved money are both such valuable resources!
I’d love to hear if you make the switch and what you think about it. Keeping life and business as simple as possible is non-negotiable for me, and I’m looking forward to sharing more about the tools and processes that keep me from going crazy even as a busy, working, homeschooling mom. 😉
Studio Ninja Review // My favorite CRM for photographers

I’m a family photographer and educator with a passion for real transformation. I believe in your talents and potential even more than you might believe in them. Really! I believe in you because I know that being a successful photographer isn’t about being born with the right skills, but about getting your hands on the right education.
And that, friend, is what you’ll find here.
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If you’re ready to grow but you’re on a tight budget or are looking for topic-specific resources, browse my shop! I have high quality, budget-friendly offerings on important topics, and each offering delivers on value and impact.
And if you’re ready for MAJOR transformation, check out my premier offerings! Enroll in The Art of Connection online course, discover Unbasic Creatives group coaching, or consider a one-on-one mentorship and styled shoot! These have already changed so many photographers’ businesses – and lives! – and they will change yours, too.
Studio Ninja Review // My favorite CRM for photographers
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