How to grow your photography business // photography education by Hannah Mann
I thought starting a photography business would be simple. And in many ways, it was. I bought a camera, made an easy website, got insurance(!), and friends and family started paying me a little bit of money to do something fun.
But building and growing and sustaining a photography business is an entirely different beast. It requires so many different skills that we never knew we’d need to have when we first picked up a camera because we thought that this job sounded fun.
Real growth is multilayered and complex. It’s a process of balancing and evolving. It involves setting goals and figuring out how to actually achieve them. It also involves marketing and pricing strategies and branding. And yet it’s still all so darn personal.
A huge percentage of photographers quit early in their careers because of how hard this journey can be. I get it – I almost quit multiple times! And that’s why I love simplifying the process of growing and learning and thriving. I can’t make it easy, and of course it takes a lot of work. But I’m an educator because I love being able to make it clearer, healthier, less overwhelming, and faster! Plus, all journeys are easier with a friend by your side to cheer you on.
Leveling up your business is not a one-and-done deal. It’s something you’ll do many times in the life of your career, and sometimes it feels like it never really stops. But when you have the steps laid out in front of you, like I do for my Unbasic Creatives students, then I promise it is SO MUCH EASIER. My six month coaching program is not designed to help my students for a time and then send them on their way, but to equip each photographer I work with to continue growing and thriving far beyond our time together.
And today, I’m sharing a little piece of this program with you. This is the high-level view of how you actually grow your business, friends! And guess what? It’s endlessly repeatable!
- Take time for goal setting. Include both concrete goals (like your income, how much you want to work each week, if you’ll take days or seasons off, etc.), as well as abstract, or long-term goals (a publication you’d love to get featured in, a location you want to be hired to travel to, etc.). Don’t forget to do the math on how many sessions you need to do at the prices you expect to charge in order to meet these goals, including your overhead costs and taxes.
- Write down what success means to you. This can overlap with what your goals are, but it’s a little different – this is about what will make you feel happy in your job. It’s the bigger, more emotion-based view.
- Consider what type of business model seems right for you. Figure out what type of sessions you actually want to shoot, if you enjoy travel, if you love the idea of offering a high-touch experience with services like wardrobe or hair & makeup, if you would like to do IPS or sell collections or be all-inclusive, etc. Don’t be afraid to get creative with your offerings if you love the idea of doing things a little differently than you’ve seen before!
- Nail down your artistic vision. It’s time to stop taking certain photos because other people take them, or because you’re ‘supposed to.’ Instead, figure out what images speak to you as a viewer. Mull over what images you most love to create and what gets you excited in your own work. Write down words that describe what you want to see in your art (joy, tenderness, the unexpected, etc.). There’s no right or wrong – but you should understand this, so you can absolutely nail it.
- Create work that consistently reflects this vision. I know that this can feel like one of the hardest parts of all – but truly seeing yourself as an artist and giving yourself permission to experiment and improve is so important. It’s not the only part of your growth journey, by any means, but boy is it essential. My favorite tip: photograph friends or models semi-regularly, so that you have a chance to simply create as you want to create.
- Design an effective sales journey. Posting pretty photos is simply not the whole story. Take time to think through how clients are discovering you, and walk step-by-step through that process from their perspective. Look at your website and social media with fresh eyes, to see if you’re truly drawing them into a brand and experience that they can’t resist. If you need to expand your client base and get more clients through your door, I highly recommend posting 4-5 times per week on social media, working on your SEO, making sure you have a Google business listing, hosting a giveaway (I tend to stick to petite sessions – and it’s even better when you can partner with another local business whose audience overlaps with yours!), and fixing any pain points your business has. (Watch my free masterclass on exactly how to do that!)
- Offer an amazing client experience. Do your clients know how much you love them, and feel appreciated throughout their time with you? Evaluate your communication, from start to finish of their experience – including email response times, guidance you’re giving before sessions, if you’re communicating your gallery turnaround time, etc. You don’t necessarily need to offer client gifts (though everyone does love them!), but offering them a professional and clear experience, plus delivering above what you’ve promised, go such a long way toward creating happy, loyal clients who tell their friends about you.
This is a lot, I know! Like I said, growth isn’t easy, and it also takes time. But gosh, is it worth it to build a business that you love and that lasts for the long haul.
If you’re ready to fall in love with your business and work through every step above with total clarity, support, and success, I’d love to invite you to be part of Unbasic Creatives. Doors are officially open! My students have so many incredible things to say about this program (seriously, I couldn’t even fit all of their testimonials on my page!), and the ways that it has transformed their photography businesses. They’re raising their prices (a lot), booking so many more clients, creating the images they have always dreamed of, and they’re doing it without the years (and tears) that it takes when you’re figuring it all out alone.
Truly, I’d love to help you finally make your art and your business everything that you dream of. More details here – and always feel free to send me an email or DM if you have questions and want to talk it over! I’m an open book. 🙂
P.S. Check out this absolutely mind-blowing before and after! And there are more where that came from – seriously, my students are incredible!
How to grow your photography business // photography education by Hannah Mann

I’m a family photographer and educator with a passion for real transformation. I believe in your talents and potential even more than you might believe in them. Really! I believe in you because I know that being a successful photographer isn’t about being born with the right skills, but about getting your hands on the right education.
And that, friend, is what you’ll find here.
If you’re new around here, get to know me through my free educational content! Make sure to sign up for my newsletter and snag some discounts while you’re here.
If you’re ready to grow but you’re on a tight budget or are looking for topic-specific resources, browse my shop! I have high quality, budget-friendly offerings on important topics, and each offering delivers on value and impact.
And if you’re ready for MAJOR transformation, check out my premier offerings! Enroll in The Art of Connection online course, discover Unbasic Creatives group coaching, or consider a one-on-one mentorship and styled shoot! These have already changed so many photographers’ businesses – and lives! – and they will change yours, too.
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